用我们的Q找到适合您和您的船员的啤酒和氛围&A guide to these popular Marquette breweries.


Blackrocks Brewery

What's the vibe at Blackrocks?  

“Our brewery is located in an old house, 所以我们绝对倾向于舒适/舒适的一面,” says Steve, Blackrocks Brewery’s Pirate of Propaganda. “We also have some fun, local, 兼收并蓄的艺术品,大多是当地人和顾客给我们的.”


What're your top drink picks by season?

  • SPRING: Classic Pilsner

  • SUMMER: Grand Rabbits and/or 51K IPA

  • FALL: Mykiss IPA, Oktoberfest (when available)

  • WINTER: 北三黑啤(North Third Stout, 12月发售)和任何一种旋转的冬季啤酒.


What are your house specials?

Our most popular beer is the 51K IPA. 我们的Mykiss IPA也迅速受到欢迎. 我们的大兔子干跳奶油啤酒也一直名列榜首.


Got any insider tips for new visitors?

We have food trucks 定期把车停在酒吧(夏天几乎每天晚上). Customers can also carry in their own food. 我们有一个大型的户外座位区,有多个火坑和很棒的现场音乐!


Barrel + Beam

Barrel + Beam

What's the vibe at Barrel + Beam?  

“我们住在以前的诺斯伍德晚餐俱乐部里, which dates back to 1933,” explains Marina, who co-founded the brewery with her husband Nick. “我们营造出舒适的小屋氛围,我们的美学是法式农舍与密歇根小屋的结合.”


What're your top drink picks by season?

  • SPRING: 《hg6668皇冠登录》是我们的畅销书,是对“什么是光”的惊喜回答?”
  • SUMMER: Pawberry, 一种混合了大量覆盆子的橡木桶啤酒,是一种果酱和酸的野生麦芽酒. 我们每个月都会推出一款新的水果桶陈酸酒,作为我们酸味夏日的一部分. 桃子克里克将以密歇根州的桃子和蒙特莫伦西樱桃为特色,这些樱桃都是在密歇根州种植的.
  • FALL: Rightful Cider, 我们桶装陈酿的乡村苹果酒的特点是原料简单,完全来自密歇根州, including pressed apple juice and beet sugar.
  • WINTER: Golden Partager,全部来自密歇根,在法国橡木桶中陈酿,并添加了Brettanomyces Bruxellensis.


What are your house specials?

我们只专注于农家乐和桶陈啤酒和苹果酒, 所以,如果不享受我们的旗舰店Saison Terre / Terre,你的旅行就不完整, 经典风格的Saison与法国和比利时来源的成分.


Got any insider tips for new visitors?

我们不在人迹罕至的小路上,而是在自行车道上 Iron Ore Heritage Trail runs right along Northwoods Road. Park your vehicle and make us your basecamp. 享受一品脱之前,敲击小径和骑自行车下坡到市中心的啤酒厂. 寄一张“希望你是啤酒”的明信片,在我们的餐厅可以买到——我们会帮你寄出去. Well-behaved, 我们的棺材花园允许拴着狗狗,这条小路也很适合和你的狗狗一起散步.


Ore Dock Brewing Company

Ore Dock Brewing Co.

What's the vibe at the Ore Dock?  

“我们在一个两层的回收车库经营,有一个舒适的, updated interior, ripe with cozy nooks, couches and outdoor seating,” says general manager Kris. “在我们楼上的社区空间里,每月都有艺术展览、现场音乐和活动.”


What're your top drink picks by season?

  • SPRING: 桶陈酸酒,来自我们每年四月举行的愤怒熊节.

  • SUMMER: Breakwater Hard Seltzer, our go-to beach bud.

  • FALL: 这是一款与斯托米·克罗默(Stormy Kromer)合作酿造的易于饮用的黑啤酒.

  • WINTER: Berserker, 一种用北欧酵母酿造的烈性朦胧印度淡啤酒会让你在寒冷的hg6668皇冠登录冬天保持温暖!


What are your house specials?

我们的空间以我们对社区的承诺为中心,并为活动提供场所, comedy nights, live music, conferences, weddings, etc. 以及与当地组织和合作伙伴合作,举办像广受欢迎的科学直播这样的活动. 来喝杯啤酒,留下享受美好时光.


Got any insider tips for new visitors?

We’re located right in downtown Marquette on the Iron Ore Heritage Trail, just a stone’s throw from the Lower Harbor Iron Ore Docks. We have a dog-friendly 天井,有现场音乐,活动,食品卡车,喜剧,瑜伽等的轮换时间表.


Superior Culture

Superior Culture

What's the vibe at Superior Culture?  

酿酒师兼老板亚历克斯(Alex)说,这里的氛围既舒适又友好. “你总是会和一个新的友好的面孔开始一段有趣的谈话. The music is funky and the drinks are funkier.”


What're your top drink picks by season?

  • SPRING: 血橙康普茶和“橙梦”苏打水.

  • SUMMER: U.P. seasonal berry-infused meads and kombucha.

  • FALL: 密歇根苹果酒,试着用香料热一下.

  • WINTER: 有机,酒精(7% abv)姜汁啤酒,全年供应.


What are your house specials?

我们有季节性的饮料菜单,几乎每天都有变化. 我们的饮料都是用当地的有机原料制成的.


Got any insider tips for new visitors?

We are pet-friendly该公寓位于第三街,有一个环绕式的前廊,后露台上有室外座位. 淡水总是提供给幼崽,我们位于hg6668皇冠登录市中心, 只要走一小段路就能到海滩,或者开车很快就能到旅游公园.

整个夏天,我们都会在周四到周六举办现场音乐表演,邀请来自美国各地的艺术家.P. and beyond. 大多数饮料都是有机的,很多也是无谷蛋白的. 我们供应密歇根制造的小吃,允许携带外部食物,并且位于中心位置,有很多很棒的用餐选择.


The Vierling & Marquette Harbor Brewery

Vierling & Marquette Harbor Brewery

What's the vibe at the Vierling?  


我们位于市中心,是hg6668皇冠登录最早的啤酒馆,成立于1995年. Family-owned and operated for 35 years, we are a full-service restaurant with a full bar, 丰富的酒单和10种手工制作的啤酒, served from our antique oak bar. Our restaurant features original stained glass, historic artifacts on the walls, 健康的植物和hg6668皇冠登录下游港口的美丽景色.


What're your top drink picks by season?

  • SPRING: 我们的美国贮藏啤酒和我们的蜂蜜小麦麦芽啤酒,一年中任何时候都能酿造出清淡、爽口、清爽的啤酒.
  • SUMMER: Our most popular is our Blueberry Wheat, 是为七月底的蓝莓节制作的,一直是许多人的最爱.
  • FALL: 酒体适中,酒体甜美,酒体呈琥珀色,略带焦糖味.
  • WINTER: 我们的香草波特或咖啡黑啤,带有黑巧克力和温和的咖啡余味.


What are your house specials?

We specialize in fresh Lake Superior Whitefish. We have multiple options for whitefish entrees, as well as a smoked whitefish appetizer, 啤酒糊手蘸开胃菜配自制鞑靼酱和炸白鱼, fries and coleslaw. Don’t like fish? 我们的菜单还包括烧烤排骨,意大利面,帕尼尼,工匠披萨和更多.


Got any insider tips for new visitors?

我们有很多葡萄酒可供选择,酒吧里有很多轮换的特色混合饮料, plus a large food menu and homemade desserts. The chocolate peanut butter pie is a favorite. 连续两年获得《hg6668皇冠登录》杂志“湖泊最佳”奖.